Coping with Loss: Healthy Strategies

Updated on July 7, 2023

It can be incredibly challenging when you feel like you’ve lost everything, and finding healthy coping mechanisms is important for your well-being. Below are some ways to cope with the feeling of having lost everything in your life, even on your darkest days. If you can muster up the energy to try just one of the following, you will put yourself in a better position than not trying anything.

Reach out for support

If you feel down so much that you feel like everything in your life has gone wrong, reach out for support first and foremost. Talk to someone you trust, such as a friend, family member, or therapist. Sharing your feelings and experiences with someone can provide emotional support and perspective. If you don’t have a trusted friend to whom you want to tell everything, or if you prefer to keep your issues private, reach out to our Firefly therapists. They are trained to help you navigate through this tough time. They will provide a safe space to talk through your feelings with you. 

Practice self-care

Engage in activities that promote self-care and self-compassion. This could include taking a warm bath (adding Epsom salt for extra relaxation), walking in nature, listening to calming music, or engaging in hobbies that bring you joy.

Maintain a routine

Establishing a daily routine can provide structure and stability during difficult times. Focus on incorporating activities that are important to you and give you a sense of purpose. Having a sense of purpose gives meaning and direction to our lives. It gives us a reason to get up each day, pursue our goals, and act. When we have a clear purpose, we are more motivated, focused, and driven to achieve what matters. This sense of fulfillment contributes to our overall well-being and satisfaction with life. So, when you feel like you’ve lost everything, try to find a small act of service that provides a feeling of purpose. 

Express your emotions

Find healthy outlets to express your emotions. This might involve journaling, creating art, or engaging in physical activities like running or dancing. Allowing yourself to feel and express your emotions can be cathartic. Even just sitting with yourself to understand what feelings you are experiencing can be healing. Try making a note in a journal of what feelings are coming up for you. Just the act of writing can also be very healing. 

Focus on gratitude

It can be helpful to remind yourself of what you are grateful for, even during challenging times. Make a list of positive aspects of your life, no matter how small they may seem. This can help shift your perspective and foster a sense of hope. It can be the smallest sense of gratitude, such as “I am grateful for the shining sun today.” Making a list and then re-reading that list can shift your mindset into a more positive one. 

Engage in relaxation techniques

Explore relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or mindfulness. These practices can help calm your mind, reduce stress, and increase self-awareness. 

Have you tried box breathing before? This practice is easy to do on your own: 

  1. Breathe in for 4 seconds through your nose. 
  2. Hold your breath for 4 seconds. 
  3. Next, release your breath through your mouth for 4 seconds. 
  4. Hold your breath again for 4 seconds, and repeat until you feel calmer. 

Yoga is also a great practice to get in touch with your emotions and experience relaxation. 

Find a support group

Connecting with others who have experienced similar losses can provide a sense of belonging and understanding. Look for local or online support groups where you can share your experiences and learn from others. You don’t have to feel alone while navigating through these losses. Reach out to our therapists to receive support. 

By: Lindsey Schmid, LPC-A

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