Identifying the Signs: When to Seek Therapy

Updated on October 12, 2023

Recognizing the need for therapy is essential in caring for your mental and emotional well-being. Therapy has many benefits, including emotional relief, clarity on big life decisions, encouragement, personal empowerment, and the ability to process emotions or thoughts in a safe, supportive environment.

It’s not always easy to recognize when we need help from a therapist. This article outlines some signs that it might be time to start therapy.

Persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness

Everyone experiences sadness, loneliness, or feeling down from time to time. However, if you’re feeling down, empty, or hopeless for an extended period, and these feelings interfere with your daily life, it might be the right time to seek professional help.

An extended period could be defined as a few weeks or longer. If this sounds like you or someone you know, reach out to our office to get in touch with a therapist

Experiencing anxiety and excessive worry

If you often feel anxious, worry excessively, or have panic attacks or phobias that interfere with your daily life, therapy can be a helpful way to learn coping skills. A therapist can help you manage your symptoms and find more balance.

Difficulty coping with life changes

Our lives are constantly changing. Whether it’s a divorce, loss of a loved one, job loss, or relocation, it can be challenging to navigate alone. Feeling immense stress is normal when experiencing changes like a new job, house, or relationship.

Exciting as these changes can be, they are significant changes that can be hard to adjust, as people prefer predictability. Sharing your thoughts and emotions with a therapist who can support you and offer guidance during these transitions will provide relief and clarity. 

Relationship problems

Having the appropriate tools to have healthy conflicts with others is essential. Finding a resolution is the goal of healthy arguing; however, if you are involved in fights or disagreements that last for long periods and with no resolution, it might be time to seek therapy, either alone or with your partner.

Displaying signs of contempt, stonewalling, defense, or unhealthy criticism within arguments can be worked through and healed with therapy. Overall, seeing a counselor can help you improve communication, manage conflicts, and develop healthier relationship patterns to find resolutions quicker and healthily. 

Trauma or past unresolved issues

Suppose you’ve experienced a traumatic event, abuse, or unresolved issues affecting your daily life. In that case, therapy can provide a safe space for healing and recovery. Experiencing trauma is considered a risk factor in many behavioral health and substance use disorders.

Trauma-focused CBT and Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) are evidence-based protocols/ methods that focus on healing trauma. Working through your trauma with an experienced therapist can bring relief, understanding, and insight into your life.

Contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our trauma-focused trained therapists who can help navigate the effects of trauma and find a resolution. 

Substance abuse or addictive behaviors

A therapist can be an important ally in your recovery if you’re dealing with substance abuse. Substance abuse can take many forms, including excessive drinking, drug use, or smoking. A therapist can work with you to identify the root causes of your substance abuse and develop personalized strategies for recovery so you can start feeling better and living a healthier life.

Persistent stress and burnout

If you find yourself constantly overwhelmed, experiencing chronic stress, or feeling burnt out, seeking therapy can be very helpful. Some other signs that can help identify if you are feeling burnt out include exhaustion, lack of motivation, reduced productivity, withdrawal and isolation, neglected self-care, and loss of enjoyment. If you notice these signs and they persist over a significant period, it may be an indication that you’re experiencing burnout.

It is essential to pay attention to these signals and address them to prevent further negative impacts on your overall well-being. A therapist can assist you in identifying the root causes of your stress, teach you coping mechanisms, and help you restore balance in your life.

Connect with us

If you are experiencing one of these topics and need to talk to a professional, reach out to our office, and we will connect you with a therapist who can help you find healing, peace of mind, and balance. 

By: Lindsey Schmid, LPC-A

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