Creating and Maintaining Routines – Why Is It So Hard?

Updated on October 23, 2023

Routines are essential, yet some view them as traps that stifle creativity and foster complacency.

Benefits of Routines

Stability and Predictability: Do you know that feeling of comfort when you sip your first cup of coffee in the morning? That’s what a solid routine can offer you— a sense of calm that carries you through the day. It’s like having a reliable roadmap; you may hit some bumps, but at least you’ll never get lost.

Increased Productivity: Ever find yourself staring at your screen, paralyzed by all the tasks you have to do? Yeah, we’ve all been there. A routine lays out a game plan so you don’t waste time wondering what to do next. Instead of being overwhelmed by choices, you get right to work.

Improved Mental and Emotional Well-being: Think of a routine as your daily dose of self-care. It’s not just about ticking boxes off a to-do list. It’s a way to show up for yourself, mentally and emotionally. Got a favorite song that pumps you up? Make it a part of your morning routine. Trust me, a little ‘me time’ can go a long way in keeping those stress levels in check.

Enhanced Creativity and Spontaneity: Now, don’t buy into the myth that routines kill creativity. It’s actually the opposite. Once you get the mundane stuff out of the way, your brain is free to daydream, innovate, and, yes, even break the rules a bit. Ever notice how some of your best ideas pop up when you do something routine, like showering or doing the dishes? That’s your brain benefiting from the freedom that comes with a structured day.

Challenges in Creating Routines

But creating and sticking to routines, especially if you have ADHD, depression, or anxiety, can feel overwhelming, frustrating, and torturous. Individuals with mental or behavioral health disorders may view the routine setup process as doomed; many may not even try.

The reward-driven, dopamine-seeking individual with ADHD may feel “trapped” by the idea of keeping to a daily routine and instinctively rebel against it. Or, they may need help to implement a new routine. They may be motivated by the prospect of doing something new or different (in this case, “setting up the new routine”), but the “setting up” of the new routine is more enjoyable for them than actually doing the new routine. That part of the process gets all their attention and effort.

They hyperfocus on creating the most extensive, perfect, and complete list of daily “to-do’s” ever, but then they’re exhausted from the sustained mental effort it took for them to dream up their ideal routine, or, they feel overwhelmed by the enormity of starting all these tasks. They doubt their ability to follow through with them, so they become paralyzed by anxiety and retreat from the new routine entirely.

Depressed individuals, drained of motivation and poisoned by an apathy they cannot shake, will likely struggle with even considering, much less creating and implementing, a routine; paradoxically, a purposeful, balanced routine would help them immensely. But it’s so hard to do anything at all when you’re affected by depression – a hallmark symptom of which is the lack of motivation to do anything at all. Even small tasks take loads of extra effort when you’re depressed.

It’s hard to be nice and treat yourself to “the gift of” a solid routine when you don’t feel like being kind to yourself because you’re not happy and blaming yourself for your unhappiness.

Anxiety hitches its wagon to both ADHD and depression, but it can also show up as its vehicle of destruction. For those with anxiety (GAD, OCD, panic disorder, PTSD, social anxiety, phobic disorder) problems, trying to create and stick to a new routine can be very intimidating. Suppose your anxiety centers on social aspects, for example. In that case, fears of being judged publicly might prevent helpful additions to your routine from being included, like going to a gym or health club or joining a group or organization with common interests.

Anxiety shows up in so many different ways: worst-case scenario thinking, doubting your judgment, isolating and just staying at home, or even stockpiling supplies to get ready for the Zombie Apocalypse… it’s all based on fear – real or imagined – of something. And it can stop us in our tracks.

Strategies for Success

There are many tricks to getting organized. For example, with an ADHD client, I might suggest they set a deadline for the end of the week and work for 1 hour on their daily routine. Do it in small chunks. Or, for a depressed client, we might explore different motivators, track “small wins,” or identify a “bare minimum routine.” We may examine underlying fears or combat irrational thinking processes for anxious clients to clarify goals and set reasonable expectations from routines.

Journey to a Balanced Routine

Making a routine and staying on track with it is a tall order. I struggle with sticking to a routine, too. With help from my therapist, I could identify my goals, prioritize my needs along with others, and create a daily routine that aims to add balance, accomplishments, and fulfillment to my world. And it is worth it.

Consider talking to a therapist if you struggle with creating and maintaining a routine. Not only can they help you create a rockin’ routine, but they’ll also help you understand your strengths and coach you on navigating any mental blocks that may have been preventing you from reaching your goals. Routinely!