
Steps to Breaking Bad Habits

Have you encountered the desire to break a habit? You can think of a habit that has formed in your life, good or bad, and the origin of that habit. According to a 2018 study, a habit can be described as an overlearned process that generates automatic responses to contextual cues and is reinforced by repetition. I’ve outlined a few steps to unlearn or change …

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Strategize Success: Your Guide to Effective Goals

Updated: May 29, 2024 Reaching your goals can seem daunting, whether they are big dreams or smaller, more manageable targets. Sometimes, you struggle to change old habits that stand in your way. By using specific steps, you can clarify and work towards achieving what you want. Following a structured approach makes it easier to turn your aspirations into reality. With the right methods, support, and …

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How to Make a Decision

Who has been there? Maybe you have found yourself choosing which career route to take, which city would be best to move to for you and your family, or which school to enroll your children. Life can and will throw several options toward us (yay for options, this means we aren’t stuck or trapped, and we are capable of creating our own futures!), but how …

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What Should I Be When I Grow Up?

Remember playing The Game of Life as a young person? I liked reading all the different occupations from which you could choose. Want to be a florist? Here’s your card. Prefer to be surprised? Draw from this stack of cards, and… you got teacher! Here’s your salary, here are your housing options, and here’s your car. Done. If choosing a career was as simple as …

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Creating and Maintaining Routines – Why Is It So Hard?

Routines are essential, yet some view them as traps that stifle creativity and foster complacency. Benefits of Routines Stability and Predictability: Do you know that feeling of comfort when you sip your first cup of coffee in the morning? That’s what a solid routine can offer you— a sense of calm that carries you through the day. It’s like having a reliable roadmap; you may hit …

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