Blog Articles

What is EMDR? An Intro by Firefly Therapy Austin

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It is a psychotherapy technique initially developed to help individuals who have experienced trauma, particularly post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Francine Shapiro developed EMDR in the late 1980s and has since gained significant recognition and use within the mental health field. The basic premise of EMDR involves the individual recalling distressing memories or experiences while simultaneously engaging in …

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How to Cope With Feelings of Comparisons via Social Media

When scrolling on social media, have you ever found yourself thinking, “Man, I wish I had that (insert any desirable object or feeling) in my life” or “I wish my body looked like that”?  Social media can breed comparisons to people you know or, most commonly, to strangers. People like highlighting curated lives, idealizing body images, and posting about material possessions and lifestyles. It’s easy …

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Managing Anxiety & Depression in the Workplace: Coping Strategies & Resources

Managing anxiety and depression in the workplace is crucial for maintaining mental well-being and productivity. I’m sure you know the warning signs of when depression or anxiety is creeping in, and I bet you have your system down on how to manage these symptoms without blinking twice. However, if you’re curious about other coping methods at work, I’ve outlined coping strategies and resources to help …

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A Parent’s Strategy for Social Media & Kids: Communication & Boundaries

As a parent, navigating the world of media can be pretty challenging. It presents both opportunities and risks for our children. Unfortunately, the risks tend to outweigh the benefits as they are exposed to cyberbullying, privacy concerns, inappropriate content, online predators, negative impacts on health, technology addiction, and scams or fraud. This article is not here to scare you and your children away from social …

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Emotional Intelligence in Leadership: Nurturing Mental Well-being in Teams

Do you lead a team within your organization? We know you have what it takes or wouldn’t be in the leadership position. However, have you ever wondered how to be a better leader? Emotional intelligence is crucial in effective leadership, especially when nurturing team members’ mental well-being. A leader with high emotional intelligence is aware of their own emotions and those of their team members, …

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Nurturing Your Spirituality: Practical Tips for Daily Practice

Do you know very spiritual people? Have you ever wondered how they became that way and why? There may be a part of you that is curious about how to be more spiritual. Nurturing your spirituality is a personal and ongoing journey that can bring meaning, purpose, and a sense of connectedness to your life. Below, I outline some practical tips for daily practice to …

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Spiritual Teachers & Gurus: Discerning Wisdom & Avoiding Pitfalls

Are you curious about finding a spiritual mentor? How does one decide if that spiritual mentor is the “real deal”? There are many ways to decipher if a spiritual teacher is aligned with what you’re seeking, such as if they teach empowerment, have positive intentions, follow what they preach, and have diverse perspectives.  When seeking spiritual guidance from teachers and gurus, it is important to …

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The Journey of Self-Discovery: How Spirituality Can Help You Find Your True Self

Self-discovery is a deeply personal and transformative process that allows us to explore our true nature, purpose, and innermost desires. While there are many paths one can take on this journey, spirituality is often considered a powerful tool for self-exploration and finding one’s true self. What is Spirituality? Spirituality encompasses many beliefs and practices that connect individuals to something greater than themselves. This could be …

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Breaking Free from Negative Thought Patterns: Cognitive Restructuring for Positive Change

Negative thought patterns can significantly impact our overall well-being and quality of life. Cognitive restructuring is a powerful technique to help break free from these negative patterns and foster positive change. This process is generally done with a therapist or trusted friend, but if you want to try this independently, I’ve outlined a step-by-step guide to cognitive restructuring below.  Recognize negative thoughts The first step …

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Nurturing Healthy Relationships: Communication & Boundaries

The Journey to Stronger Connections Do you ever feel like your relationships could be more fulfilling? You may seek ways to deepen your connections with those around you. The secret to nurturing vibrant, healthy relationships lies in two key elements: heartfelt communication and clear boundaries. Let’s explore how you can infuse these elements into your relationships to make them flourish. Speak Your Truth: Open and …

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The Mental Health Perks of Regular Exercise

Exercise isn’t just about physical fitness; it’s a powerful ally for mental well-being. Let’s explore how physical activity can be crucial to your mental health toolkit. Key Takeaways: Lighten Your Mood: Combatting Depression and Anxiety Even a short 10-minute exercise session can improve your mood. When you move, your body releases endorphins, natural mood lifters. They help ease symptoms of depression and anxiety, making you …

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Unlocking Creativity: Therapeutic Benefits of Art, Writing & Music

Art, writing, and music have the power to provide profound healing experiences. Engaging in these creative outlets allows us to express ourselves in ways that we may not be able to with words alone. Through the arts, we can explore our deepest emotions, thoughts, and fears. We can also discover new aspects of ourselves and gain a better understanding of the world around us. Pouring …

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The Art of Self-Compassion: Embracing and Loving Yourself Unconditionally

Self-compassion is a fundamental aspect of personal well-being and growth. It involves treating oneself with kindness, understanding, and acceptance, especially in the face of difficulties, failures, or mistakes. Self-compassion entails embracing and loving yourself unconditionally, cultivating a positive relationship with yourself, and developing a nurturing and supportive inner voice. Here are some key principles and practices to help you cultivate self-compassion: Mindfulness Begin by cultivating …

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Building Resilience: Navigating Life’s Challenges

Life sure has a way of testing us, doesn’t it? Some folks seem to have a natural knack for rolling with the punches, while the rest of us might need to put a little elbow grease into handling the ups and downs. That’s where resilience comes into play. It’s like your personal comeback coach, prepping you to rebound from those tough spots. Are you interested …

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Recognizing Codependent Relationships: Coping Tips

Codependency refers to a dysfunctional pattern of behavior in a relationship where one person excessively relies on the other for emotional support, validation, and self-worth. Codependent relationships can be challenging and unhealthy for both individuals involved. It typically involves one person, the codependent, excessively relying on another person, the enabler, for their sense of self-worth, identity, and emotional well-being. For the codependent person, this can …

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Coping with Loss: Healthy Strategies

It can be incredibly challenging when you feel like you’ve lost everything, and finding healthy coping mechanisms is important for your well-being. Below are some ways to cope with the feeling of having lost everything in your life, even on your darkest days. If you can muster up the energy to try just one of the following, you will put yourself in a better position …

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Building Self-Esteem: Your Path to Confidence

Benefits of Boosting Self-esteem Improving self-esteem is an important and worthwhile goal that can positively impact your life. With a high and healthy level of self-esteem, you can increase your emotional well-being, resilience, and coping skills, have positive relationships, achieve success, boost mental and physical health, and increase your decision-making and assertiveness skills. If this sounds like a lot, don’t worry! I outline steps below …

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Mastering Self-Care: Tips for a Balanced Life

Self-care is essential for overall well-being and maintaining a healthy, balanced life. Caring for oneself can look different from person to person, but at the end of the day, honoring and respecting the relationship with ourselves over time can help us become the best version of who we are. Our spiritual, emotional, and physical selves need love and attention, so here are a few ways …

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Steps to Breaking Bad Habits

Have you encountered the desire to break a habit? You can think of a habit that has formed in your life, good or bad, and the origin of that habit. According to a 2018 study, a habit can be described as an overlearned process that generates automatic responses to contextual cues and is reinforced by repetition. I’ve outlined a few steps to unlearn or change …

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Strategize Success: Your Guide to Effective Goals

Updated: May 29, 2024 Reaching your goals can seem daunting, whether they are big dreams or smaller, more manageable targets. Sometimes, you struggle to change old habits that stand in your way. By using specific steps, you can clarify and work towards achieving what you want. Following a structured approach makes it easier to turn your aspirations into reality. With the right methods, support, and …

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